Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things I'm excited for.

Music, The Dive, shows, booze, pizza, coffee, moshing, dancing, being a year closer to enjoying one of these things on this list legally, obviously that is a reference to coffee, parties, more music, and more amazing time with a ton of amazing people.

I think that summarizes what I'm excited for in the upcoming weeks/months.

This has been a completely random and semi joking post by R.Roz.

Album Review: Slow Dance To Soft Rock

Hey, this is Gardizzle, and let me tell you.  There is an amazing album by an amazing band that is out there for an amazingly low price.  This is Slow Dance To Soft Rock by The Front Bottoms for the low price of $3 on BandCamp.  While it is a short 6 song album, each song is completely unique and amazing.  If you are anything like me, this will be your sole musical companion for the next week at least.

This two-piece alternative indie band combine an unpolished, unique vocal style with simple yet brilliant lyrics that are just so breath taking.  Once you get passed the vocals, they you can appreciate the awesome instrumental work of an acoustic guitar, drum set, and various other instruments.  The melodies are simple and catchy, try to avoid singing along; especially during the song "Maps."

You owe it to yourself to check out this album.  Each song is amazing in its own way and it will cost you the low price of $3. Come on! What are you waiting for!?

Also, check out the music video for "Maps" below.

- Gardizzle

Why Is Texas So Far Away? :'(

Alright, I do not know who is the idiot that put Texas 1,800 miles apart from NJ but Rozzey Roz and I are carless and have no way of going to SXSW. WHICH SUCKS because there is an army of amazing bands down there right now, ready to rock and we are unable to hear their awesomeness.  Vaccines, Gay Blades, Waking Lights, and so many other awesome bands are down there, but we are with them in spirit.

However, just because your beloved Rozzey Roz and Gardizzle are not there does not mean you have to miss all the action.  There is still plenty of coverage to be found! Just to The NJ Underground where you can find plenty of coverage by Waking Lights, an awesome band and former guests on the show.  Check out a whole bunch of interviews, videos, photos, and more.  They will do such an amazing coverage of the show, that you will think that you are actually there.

- Gardizzle

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

Hey, guys, this is Gardizzle.  Now you are probably thinking, "Wow that first half of the season was so amazing and jam packed with bands, how could they possibly top it in the second half of the season?" Well, friends, we are happy to announce that the second half of the season is just as band orgasmic as the first, if not more.  Rozzey Roz and I were very happy about the first half and super excited for all the great shows and interviews in the next half.

So far we have had amazing bands on like The Waking Lights, Prawn, HANDS ON THE STEREO, The Front Bottoms, Rabbit Troupe, and so many other amazing Jersey bands.  We have also been to amazing shows like Cicada Radio, HANDS ON THE STEREO, Those Mockingbirds, and Nico Blues @ Maxwell's.  The next half will be just as amazing if not better so I hope you guys are still tuning in Tuesdays at 4:00 and Fridays at 5:00!

For this half we focused on branching into new territories of not only musical genres but geographical locations as well! Get ready for doses of not only a few New York bands but a band from Canada (that's right motherf***ing Canada) to be on the show as well.

Here is the schedule that we have so far (expect additions and possibly a few subtractions as well):

March 22 - East Green

March 25 - The Ugly Club

March 29 - Spaces

April 1 - Kosmic Daydream

April 5 - Cicada Radio

April 8 - Super Rocket Cars

April 12 - Gooz de Maroon (super new band)

April 15 - Indian Princess

April 19 - 22 - We will be out of studio for both dates, sorry but duty calls!

April 26 - Nothing...yet

April 29 - Shot Not

May 3 - Nothing...yet

May 6 - The Hunters (from motherf****ing Canada!!!)

May 10 - 13 - Nothing...yet

May 17 - Nothing...yet

May 20 - The World Concave

I know this list is an amazing schedule and I completely agree with you!  Join us every episode for an amazing explosion of indie music goodness!

- Gardizzle