Monday, August 2, 2010

This summer.

Has been crazy! From going to shows and checking out new music to just enjoying summer I have been so busy! Hence the lack of updates. I promise though I will be updating a lot more seeing how life is slowing down and I can finally sit down and collect my thoughts.

I've made friends with a ton of new artists that I'm looking forward to having on. One band wants to come back on air to talk about how life has changed for them in the past year and look for more serious topics such as being a promoter in the local music scene, running your own successful music blog and how to get your band noticed in an area that is filled with other talented musicians. The Dive is taking it to the next level. You all are in for SUCH a treat.

Well my dears, I'm rather exhausted so I must call it quits for tonight. I've been updating all the various sites for The Dive so go check them out!